Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Black Rage In Churchland

I’m glad there is some “good stuff” on the T.V. these days. I can’t get enough of the detective/true crime shows. Forensic Files, 48 Hours, Real Detectives, the list is huge and I’m a fan. Love it. Have loved it for years and I get a lot of inspiration from this fairly new genre.

These reality shows, when they’re not total scripted horseshit, can really mirror some of the worst of today’s society. Stories that need to be told. Stories that today’s pussy-assed fucking media whores won’t accept manuscripts about because bad news don’t sell. It just don’t (how’s that for grammar, rai, nyuk). So I applaud these shows, “Reality” as a genre can be very compelling when presented in an honest and technically professional manner. Or to simplify it, they’re just really fucking cool (that’s what I really wanted to say).

One of these shows I just watched was a very well done documentary about the murder of a young, cute, white girl that took place in “Small Town America”. This town was Portsmouth, Virginia and the sixteen year old victim in this case, Megan Landowski, attended Churchland High School.

A high-level murder suspect was quickly revealed and just as quickly absolved. A friend of the victim’s stepfather, a U.S. Navy co-worker, had been charged with improper sexual conduct when the girl was fourteen. I guess the dick copped a feel after getting shitfaced on beer.

The case, mired in the dreck that is our justice system, had been going on for two years. This, even without a conviction, is enough to really fuck up your military record. And the case was still active, thus presenting a solid motive for the accused to off this little girl.

However the suspect had an airtight alibi for his whereabouts and forensic testing of his computer contents revealed nothing. At this point it didn’t look like he did it and DNA testing eventually ruled him out as a suspect.

The details on the death are disturbing in a major way. This young lady, from an upper middle class family, was brutally attacked with what turned out to be two different knives, was sexually assaulted, and stabbed repeatedly, to include several post-mortem stab wounds.

There were forty separate stab wounds found. One of which severed the carotid artery causing this young lady to bleed out. The most disturbing facts of the attack were what started me on my path to the “point” that I plan on making somewhere in this article!

Okay, kids bear with me on this one. I had come to several conclusions right at that point. Some of which may sound racist at first, I may write about racial statistics but I do not condone or involve myself with racism.

I arrived at several deductions, right at that point in the documentary, where they hadn’t given any answers or further details yet.

One fact was that the killer knew his victim. The violence of the crime suggested this. I saw rage. Real untapped, backed up, ready to blow, white-hot anger. No one stabs a young, pretty, innocent, white girl fifteen times in the face without trying to kill what the victim represents to him.

That led me to deduce that the killer was black. “Black Rage” is what we’re talking about here, folks, and it causes overkill. This was not only overkill but a new level of ferocity not yet seen in this community.

Because I have viewed many a forensic show on the T.V. I consider myself an expert detective. I immediately came to the realization that the stepfather’s friend would not have eliminated a witness in this fashion. Too obvious, too messy. I think he would have just tried to make her “disappear”, but he sure did have a motive.

I think the police developed a myopic view of the situation when the original suspect looked so promising. Maybe that’s what took two whole fucking months. This guy can consider himself lucky. When the police are convinced that you are guilty of a crime they latch on like a pit-bull fighting for his life.

DNA testing was the only thing that saved his ass. If there were no DNA testing this sailor would be doing hard fucking time in Leavenworth. Life in Leavenworth Military Prison, as a child rapist-killer would have proven to be very unpleasant indeed.

So they go look for a black kid (he fit the Genomic DNA profile) that knew the victim, and was probably a friend. So start looking in the high school she attended! I figured this out halfway through the show. I guess this means I’m real smart or watch too damn much T.V. (I watch a lot of T.V. – love it).

And I was right.

I took the Portsmouth Police about two months to arrive at that conclusion after they resorted to Genomic DNA tests. These specific tests can determine the ancestral roots or ethnicity as we like to call it. The test pointed to a 72% chance of a person of African ancestry.

This girl was cute, very cute. An all American sweetie. Very girly and feminine, and from what the documentary showed, she was very friendly. This can very easily be mistaken for flirtation by some guys her age that are walking bags of screaming hormones.

And he was (a bag of hormones). And they were (screaming).

One such hormone explosive was a young black kid named Robert Barnes. Barnes was seventeen years old compared to his victim’s sixteen years. Barnes was an excellent student, played the violin, and attended classes for the “gifted”.

He was smart, good looking, and talented, and, because he wasn’t a pasty-faced little white band geek, they always had to mention that he had never been in trouble before. The white media always seems to point this out whether or not it pertains to the story or not, it just has to pertain to a minority. Actually in this case, in Portsmouth, VA, the racial makeup of black to whites is just about equal with blacks having approximately a 2% larger stake in the populace.

When the Portsmouth Police attempted to obtain a DNA sample from Barnes he offered the detective the gum that he was chewing. The detective accepted it and had it tested. The DNA was not a match. Barnes had successfully switched the gum as he handed it to the detective. Oops.


What Mr. Barnes failed to take into account was the police knew he was full of shit, that’s their job (among many others). They not only ran the biological DNA test but did the Genomic DNA test as well. It showed the gum came from a young white female. Who was the girl that gave him her chewed up gum? If it had been gum that had been discarded it would have been contaminated with residue and dry. No, this was a fresh wet piece of chewing gum. This had to have been slipped to him just prior to the interrogation, where he provided the police with said DNA carrying gum. I wonder if the police realize there may be a young girl in Portsmouth that is an accomplice to murder.

Further DNA testing during subsequent interrogations revealed a solid match with the sploog found at the crime scene. Barne’s sploog.

Could this have been prevented? What was his motive? The question of motive was not discussed in the documentary I watched on this case. Them some pussy-assed documentarians if you ask me. They never once brought up the possibility that race played a part in this savage murder. The word “rage” was used only one time.

When I looked at the facts surrounding this case from Robert Barnes’s point of view I realized that this was a crime of great passion. Great passion does not always lead to romantic bliss. Often times it results in just the opposite as it did here.

Robert Barnes would run a full mile in the morning just to be able to ride the school bus with Megan Landowski. They were both exceptional students, both good looking kids. They were friends. Were his romantic advances spurned by the young girl? Did Robert feel that he was being rejected simply because of his skin color? I would have.

He was part of her peer group. What parents of children this age need to understand is at this age, where your body is screaming for your first sexual experience, very few male/female friendships are real. Especially from the male point of view. Robert was either in love, obsessed or both.

He let Megan know he was interested, he ran a mile each morning just to be closer to her for a short ride to school for Christ sake! You just don’t do that when you really want to be “just friends”. This was a blatant sign of obsession and the really fucked up part is it was Megan’s mother that provided this tidbit of info to the documentary.

I think Robert professed his love for Megan and was spurned. The only reason he could see was his skin color. All of the other prerequisites fell into place, with the one exception. I think Robert got pretty damn sick of this “skin color” road block and lost it.

He thought he fit in. Fit like a glove.

We all know what happens when the “glove doesn't fit”.


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