Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm a Hate Filled Moron

I was just looking at an editorial or, more accurately a spoken opinion from Keith Olbermann. He was giving his opinion of the people opposed to building a new mosque a few blocks away from the Ground Zero sight. Keith was of the opinion that the people opposed to the “Muslim Learning Center” are akin to the Nazi “hate snowball” effect.

“They came for the Communists, but I did not speak out because I am not Communist.”
“They came for the Trade Unionists, but I did not speak out because I am not a unionist.”
“They came for the Jews but I did not speak out because I am not a Jew.”
“When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.”

He (Olbermann) says to draw these comparisons to Nazis is ludicrous, now.

Let me get one thing clear about my opinion. I do not like the fact that there will be a nice new Muslim Education Center in the area while Ground Zero is still a big fucking hole in the ground. I’m not dumb enough to think that just because it’s not planned out to be an actual mosque that there will be no anti western culture zealotry spoken there.

I read one woman’s opinion, agreeing with Keith Olbermann, saying that she was sick of the hate filled rhetoric coming from these moronic idiots. Hmmmm.

You know, honey (bitch), there’s a mosque just one subway station away from the former World Trade Center Sight across the port in Brooklyn. It’s less than a half a mile from the hole we call Ground Zero.

If you think WE are the “Morons spewing hate filled rhetoric” why don’t you do this:
Hop on the subway, go to the mosque. Walk into the mosque and ask the first person you see what they think of this subject. If you get out of there alive let me know if you still think I’m a hate filled moron.

Stop getting your opinions from talking heads like Keith Olbermann. How do you know he’s not a total shithead? A lot of these types can’t form a cognitive sentence without a teleprompter telling them what to say.

You know there are still a hell of a lot of people that remember quite clearly what happened between the United States and Japan (for one) during WWII. It’s only been sixty-three years. Ask the survivors of the Bataan death march how easy it was for them to see Japanese people in their neighborhood after the hell they went through.

Some wounds do not heal quickly enough for you, do they dear? We’re really glad you can forgive and forget already, but a lot of us that witnessed the blood and ash that day have been changed permanently.

This poses a question I would really like an answer to.

Is it now politically incorrect to hate your enemy? Does society disapprove of openly showing contempt for people that want you dead? So, there’s some religious fanatic out there that would literally decapitate me if he had the chance, but I’m the asshole? I literally stood on the bank of the Hudson River and watch the WTC crumble, but I’m supposed to believe that Muslims are not my enemy.

How many conflicts and acts of terrorism since WWII have not involved Muslims? These are called facts to me, and rhetoric to those that think I’m a hate filled moron. Maybe I’m hate-filled, but moron (fuck you)?

I’m supposed to eat some good old American P.C. shit once again. Maybe it’s time someone took a stand and listened to the soldiers coming back from the wars. I usually hear from the enlisted ranks or officers that no longer have political motivation (retired). Let’s just say that a lot of them are all for nuclear weapons at this point.

One retiring Captain just returning from multiple tours of combat duty told me he was originally going to be a lifer, a career Army soldier. His men were completely disillusioned from seeing their friends killed in horrible ways. They could not get an answer to the question of just why the fuck did their fellow soldiers have to die?

He told me he shared the views of the enlisted ranks, after all in the Army shit rolls down hill and if you want to hear the real shit ask the guys covered in it. They’ve said that they’re “Just sick to fucking death of trying to win a war against an enemy that won’t die. Or is it an enemy that we can’t kill? How about an enemy we can’t even fucking define? It’s still an enemy that’s killing us with impunity every fucking day no matter what the fuck we try to do to them or for them. At this point fuck them!”


Disillusioned? They sound a little more than just slightly low on morale to me. Why aren’t they being asked their opinion of whether to erect a “Muslim Learning Center” two blocks away from Ground Zero? It seems like their opinion would matter a little more than someone that had made up their mind from a Keith Olbermann T.V. editorial.

Does the monetary backing for this “Muslim Learning Center” really even exist? There are still some questions as to whether or not certain “partners” were even aware, or real for that matter.

Can’t the builders of this “Muslim Learning Center” take into consideration the way people feel about its presence? This is the only place it can be built? Why aren’t the people directly in charge of trying to get this “Muslim Learning Center” built showing their faces and answering questions? Oh, there are a lot of fucking questions.

We take other ethnicities and religious views seriously and label someone politically incorrect when they disparage said entities. But what about us? Is this the muslim version of being politically correct towards us? Did Honda build a factory on Pearl Harbor? I don’t think so.

Well, what ever these fucking people have in mind I think it’s in real bad taste to erect a fucking mosque while the towers are still a hole in the ground. I’m just getting sick of having to eat this P.C. bullshit at times like these. Being labeled a hate-filled rhetoric spewing moron from some woman makes me angry. I served my country, I wonder if she did? I saw the towers come down and had friends, good friends, that I saw die with my own eyes right in front of me. Did she?

With all the “Death to America” chanting going on in muslim countries just which one is the party spewing hate filled rhetoric? After witnessing our Presidents being burned in effigy, our kids coming home without limbs, with shattered minds, and in body-bags. Our children coming home from wars started by muslims.

I’m not stupid, believe it or not. Of course I don’t hate all muslims just because they’re muslims. But I’m not naïve either. I am of the idea that muslims are trying to make a statement by erecting a “Muslim Learning Center” in the shadow of Ground Zero. And getting back to naiveté, do we think there will not be any anti-American rhetoric spoken in this “Muslim Learning Center”?

From what I’ve garnered in my research, the path to Jihad from any mosque is a short one. I know one journalist, probably the best in the world right now although he is not recognized for it, that wanted to see for himself just how prevalent anti-Americanism is within the walls of seemingly tranquil mosques. After literally choosing a mosque at random he went all stealthy on their ass and found out some shocking facts. Real quick like.

I won’t get into details because this column isn’t funny and I like writing funny stuff, damn it! Anyways it took until day two; yes the second friggin’ day, before he was able to record a typical ignorant hate-filled speech calling for Jihad on Jews and Americans in general.

Maybe nine years ago this wouldn’t have even been an issue, but twenty-three days later things changed. Changed in a big fucking way, sister. I’ll bet this woman that thinks of us as “hate-filled rhetoric spewing morons” would have been of a different opinion back then.

Either that or she was twelve.


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